Here is a photo taken by my broker of what the factory had made. The color is darker than I want. I am still working with them on it. I had to have the factory remake the character at least 5 times. You should have seen some of the samples they sent me---- by e-mail. They looked like either someone was blind or they decided themselves on how they wanted to make it. So as I always tell her Please, Please, Please have the factory follow the template that I have sent you. I send the factory a template for every piece that needs to be made, plus the original. So far this has been the hardest part of working with someone overseas. I wish I could fly their but that is not going to happen. Most of our conversations happen by e-mail and I must say that they have been very rough at times. There is a language problem. Something which would take a second to tell someone takes forever with my broker. I must and I mean must have patience. Lately I have been doing skype video conference calls with the broker because for whatever the reason something is getting lost in translation and I still have to have Sam with me when I talk to her. I thought that I was making myself clear but I guess that I was not. I have to talk really slow and sometimes I just do not know if she just understood what I just said to her.
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